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Sugar Cane Genome Numbers Assumption by Ribosomal DNA FISH Techniques

Sarut Thumjamras1,2, Hans de Jong3, Sililuck Iamtham4,6 , and Siripatr Prammanee5,6
1.Kasetsart University, Kampeang Sean Campus/Bioproduct Science, Department of Science, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science/Nakorn Pathom, Thailand
2.Kasetsart University Institute for Advanced Studies/Center for Advanced Studies in Tropical Natural Resources/Bangkok, Thailand
3.Wageningen University/Laboratory of Genetics, Plant Science Group/Wageningen, the Netherlands
4.Kasetsart University, Kampeang Sean Campus/Genetics, Department of Science, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science/Nakorn Pathom, Thailand
5.Kasetsart University, Kampeang Sean Campus/ Biology, Department of Science, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science/Nakorn Pathom, Thailand
6.Kasetsart University Institute for Advanced Studies, Kasetsart University/Center for Advanced Studies in Tropical Natural Resources/Bangkok, Thailand
Abstract—Conventional cytological method is limited for polyploidy plant genome study, especially sugar cane chromosomes that show unstable numbers of each cultivar. Molecular cytogenetic as fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques were used in this study. A basic chromosome number of sugar cane was estimated with three information; 1) number of 18S rDNA sites, 2) number of 5S rDNA sites and 3) total number of chromosomes. 18S and 5S rDNA were located by FISH techniques, the number of hom (e) ologous sites were illustrated in range of 7 to 9 and 13 to 15 sites. 110 chromosome numbers were shown in tapetal cells of flower buds of sugar cane. The implications of these results can predict about 14 basic chromosomes numbers but 5S rDNA seem reliable indicate for basic chromosome number and 18S rDNA were discussed about nucleolar dominance phenomenon of the sugar cane “KPS 00-25” cultivar.

Index Terms—basic chromosome number, 45S rDNA, 5S rDNA, FISH

Cite: Sarut Thumjamras, Hans de Jong, Sililuck Iamtham, and Siripatr Prammanee, "Sugar Cane Genome Numbers Assumption by Ribosomal DNA FISH Techniques", Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 248-251, December 2013. Doi: 10.12720/jomb.2.4.248-251
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